Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Everything is fantastic with the Smith family. Conor is three months old and has been a much happier baby. He smiles and coos now and doesnt't scream nearly as much. I am still getting used to being a mother of two. We have our rough days but I am learning. Liam loves his brother he likes to hold him, kiss him, hug him and sing to him. Liam is learning his shapes right now and almost has them down his favorite is octagon. It is suprisingly one of the first shapes he remembered but he struggles with circle and square; funny boy. Liam is also starting to sing songs which is so fun and sooo adorable. He sings Itsy Bitsy Spider, Popcorn Popping, the thomas theme song, Old Mcdonald and my favorite Five Little Monkeys which is the only one he sings all the words flawlessly thanks to aunt Cass.
Jared now works full time at the Walgreens in Saratoga Springs which is so nice! He recently participated in a pig wrestling event to promote H1N1 vaccinations. I will try to upload the video I took on my blog if not go to walgreens H1N1 swine killers on youtube it is hilarious.
We have been doing a lot of home improvments lately which has been a lot of fun.
Life is busy but we are enjoying eachother and our boys.

1 comment:

desertortoise said...

I'm so glad Jared's in SS and full time! Darling picuters...I can't believe how big Conor already looks, what a fabulous mom you are!