Sunday, November 9, 2008


A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Jared is all done with classes hooray! No more tests!!! Now he has about 7 months of rotations then he graduates June 12. We are getting close to being done. His first rotation is tough but he is learning a lot. Jared had a short break before starting his rotations so we went to visit his family for a few days and then my family for a few days. It was a lot of fun. Jared had to get back but I stayed at my house for another week to see my brother Austin as the lead in the Parowan Theater play "Little Shop of Horrors." He was phenomenal! We got to spend Halloween with my family and Liam was a turtle. Unfortunately Liam was pretty sick so he didn't like his costume and we didn't get very good pictures. He still looks adorable just not very happy. We are home now and everything is going well.


Caytee said...

Little Liam is so cute. WOW! You are so close to being done. YEA! I wish we were there....but not so. Hope all is well!

Crescent said...

I had no idea that Jared was almost finished...that has to feel so good. I bet it was so much fun seeing your family! Sounds like it was a busy trip but well worth it. Are you guys coming to Utah for Christmas? We should really try to get together sometime! How is everyone in your family? Is Cass doing good? She looks great!

Britney said...

That is SO awesome that Jared is done with tests now! What a relief that must be! We are really excited for you guys. And it is great that you two got a break, too...we know that those a few and far between so it's good that you made the most of it and visited family. I bet it was a blast.