Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bollywood Birthday

Cassidy is living with me this summer while she does an internship in speech pathology. We often like to do theme birthdays last year was Harry Potter. This year we decided to do Bollywood. Cass and I both love and admire everything about the East Indian culture from the food to the dancing, clothes and Bollywood movies. So naturally a Bollywood party would be fantastic. A woman from Tana's ward made us food and let us borrow clothes and movies. All of my family came except Nate (you were missed). Jareds's mom and sister Amber were there as well. We had a wonderful time!It was a party to remember. Namaste!


Cody, Toni, Aurie and Kenleigh said...

Happy Birthday you two!! Conner is getting so big! Can't wait to play with you guys!!

Cody, Toni, Aurie and Kenleigh said...

Sorry I spelled Conor's name wrong!

Mary said...

How fun!

desertortoise said...

Sweet! You all look beautiful!

Crescent said...

Happy Birthday you guys!! Looks like such a fun party...has to be with the Bull girl involved:) Congrats on the new baby...he is so cute! Hope life is getting a little easier juggling two:)

Marisa said...

I love the costumes! You ladies are wonderful. How fun.